Bahwan IT's Seminar highlights Three Pillars of Data Center Security.
19 May 2015 - Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
Bahwan IT, one of the flagship companies of Suhail Bahwan group, recently conducted a seminar on "Three Pillars of Data Center Security" in association with Imperva - a US based data center security solutions provider.
The seminar emphasized the need to have secured data center without compromising the performance and focused on the three pillars of data center viz., the application, database and files, and the various methods to protect them.
The seminar was attended by many high level dignitaries from Ministries and other public sectors in government, education, enterprise organizations and other clients, who were impressed to see the barriers to cloud adoption coming down while new workloads taking shape. The session was very interactive with lot of interesting queries raised by clients.
Mr. Terry Ray, Chief Product Strategist and Mr. Shailesh Nanda, Senior System Engineer of Imperva elaborated on the technical aspects of data centre security solutions offered by the company. The seminar sessions covered a broad range of topics in depth with the speakers sharing their real world experiences and lessons learned.
Imperva is a recognized leader in web applications and Bahwan IT is the only authorized partner for Imperva in Oman.